Picking upon this and some google’ing I attempted to implement a function overloading mechanism via the help of “Variant” within VBA, as sadly function overloading is not inherently supported by VBA and it screams error of “Ambiguous names detected …”
Thus in order to implement the function overloading, we would have first construct a wrapper function which evaluates the signature of arguments sent and match to the respective function call and based upon which it executes and return the respective function.
Not very optimistic and delightful way of doing things but it’s something good to have in the repository for just one day when everything else fails.
'This enforces all the variables used within this module mush have their declartions explicitly Option Explicit 'This enforces all the arrays implemented within this module starts from 0 'Zero' Option Base 0 'This prevents the avilabiltiy of the function within this module to external refrencing projects 'and UDF's Option Private Module 'Constant declaration Private Const ConstIntVal As Integer = 10 Private Const ConstStrVal As String = "Hello" '----- Overloading Implementation ------ Public Function addValue(Optional args As Variant) As Variant 'Function signature identification and call relevant function component If IsMissing(args) Then addValue = addValue_Null Exit Function End If If Not IsArray(args) Then If TypeName(args) = "Integer" Then addValue = addValue_Int_Const(CInt(args)) Exit Function ElseIf TypeName(args) = "String" Then addValue = addValue_Str_Const(CStr(args)) Exit Function End If Else If TypeName(args(0)) = "Integer" Then addValue = addValue_Int(CInt(args(0)), CInt(args(1))) Exit Function ElseIf TypeName(args(0)) = "String" Then addValue = addValue_Str(CStr(args(0)), CStr(args(1))) Exit Function End If End If End Function '------ OverLoad Components ------ 'Return 0 'Zero' for no arguments Private Function addValue_Null() As Integer addValue_Null = 0 End Function 'Returns the constant added value to the argument (Integer) Private Function addValue_Int_Const(val As Integer) As Integer addValue_Int_Const = val + ConstIntVal End Function 'Returns the constant added value to the argument (String) Private Function addValue_Str_Const(val As String) As String addValue_Str_Const = ConstStrVal & val End Function 'Returns addtion of two integers Private Function addValue_Int(val1 As Integer, val2 As Integer) As Integer addValue_Int = val1 + val2 End Function 'Returns concatenation of two strings Private Function addValue_Str(val1 As String, val2 As String) As String addValue_Str = val1 + val2 End Function
Attached file illustrates the function overload mechanism.
Download solution
Link: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/64436/function-overloading-in-excel-vba
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